Hotel Greif reconnaît une remise de 5% sur les réservations directes.
Si vous réservez en direct, nous exauçons vos vœux à la lettre - individuellement et personnellement. Parmi nos 33 chambres et suites, nous trouverons assurément celle qui vous convient parfaitement!
Purquoi tant de hâte? C'est quand vendredi (-10%)? Sept, un nombre magique? Parce que c'est Bolzano? Les forfait peuvent être réservées seulment en direct chez nous.
Une réservation en direct auprès de l'hôtel vous garantit le meilleur prix. En outre, si vous trouverez une offre en ligne pour la même chambre à un prix plus bas, nous nous alignerons sur ce prix-là.

Data privacy statement

General information
Hotel Greif has drawn up these Internet data protection guidelines with the intention of approaching visitors to the website as their trustworthy partner, who respects and guarantees your personal right to confidentiality.
Within the meaning of GDPR 2016/679 is the holder of the right to administration and processing of the personal data, which may be collected on this website. The rights holder administrates or processes these personal data, which may be collected on the website (www.greif.it), under the conditions set out below.

Type of data collection and purpose of processing
Hotel Greif processes solely those data, which the visitor to the website has provided of his own free will. It is not possible to navigate on the website without providing personal data and information. Each visitor is free to make personal data available on a restricted basis, in order to benefit from only specified services. We collect and store personal data solely for the services described in the information we provide.
Visitors to the website may transfer their data:
  • to subscribe to our newsletter
  • to register for events
  • to send their CV
  • to obtain information on services or products, offers, room availability, quotations
  • to book stays and holidays
  • to purchase services, products or vouchers

Transfer to third parties
Personal data are not transferred to other companies. In addition, the personal information will be passed, if that provide legal regulations or judicial authority or other bodies and institutions require it.
It is not the intention of Hotel Greif to collect sensitive or judicially relevant personal data on its website.
Sensitive data within the meaning of Article 4 GDPR 2016/679 are personal details concerning sex, ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other views, political opinions, membership of political parties, unions, associations or organisations with a religious, philosophical or trade union background and details on health or sexual orientation. Within the meaning of Article 4 GDPR 2016/679 judicially relevant data are those personal details, which may lead to inferences that the data subject is subject to measures based on Article 3 (1) from a) to o) and from r) to u) of the D.P.R. No. 313 of 14 November 2002 on the criminal record, the register of Administrative Offences in consequence of criminal offences or associated legal proceedings or to the data subject being the accused or suspect within the meaning of Articles 60 and 61 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. We recommend that you do not supply such information to our website. Should this be unavoidable (for example in the case of classification of groups of protected persons, in the provision of a curriculum vitae for employment purposes, in response to an offer of employment or as an expression of interest in an appointment with our company), we request that you send to us by post the specific declaration available in the "Despatch of Curriculum Vitae" section of this website. In this we request you to give your written consent to the processing of the aforementioned sensitive personal data.

Involvement of third party services and contents and data transfer to third countries
  • Google Analytics, Google-IP-Locator, Google Maps, Google Maps Distance Api, Google reCAPTCHA
    Proprietor: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • YouTube-Contents
    Proprietor: Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Facebook social network
    Proprietor: Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
  • Instagram social network
    Proprietor: Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
  • Twitter social network
    Proprietor: Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2 D02 AX07, Irland
  • Vimeo
    Proprietor: Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011
  • Hotjar
    Proprietor: Hotjar Ltd, Level 2, St Julian’s Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian’s STJ 1000, Malta
Additional external content can be loaded via widgets and iframes. To get access to complete list, an e-mail must be sent to .

Links to third party Internet sites
We advise you that the website, www.greif.it contains links to other websites, which are not managed within the meaning of the foregoing data protection directives.

Retention and erasure of the data
The information and personal data collected on this website, including those provided voluntarily by the visitor for the receipt of information material or other consignments when he writes to the addresses given in the Contact Request, „Newsletter“, „Jobs“ and „Enquiry/Online Booking“, are retained solely for the purposes of providing the desired service and only for the period of time absolutely necessary to fulfil this purpose. Once the service has been provided, in accordance with the data protection guidelines of Hotel Greif, the data are erased, subject to requirements from governmental agencies or legal retention requirements.

Exercise of your rights
In accordance with Article 15 GDPR 2016/679 the data subject has the right at any time to receive information on his personal data collected on this website; he may have them rectified, updated or erased or he may assert other rights accorded to him by law. For this purpose it is necessary to contact the controller of the data processing or the processor by e-mail at .

Data Security
All the technical and organisational security measures required to protect the personal data from loss and abuse are taken by Hotel Greif. Hotel Greif protects your personal data by means of internationally recognised standards, which make the following impossible:
  • unauthorised access
  • unauthorised use and dissemination
  • unauthorised amendment
  • loss and inadvertent or unlawful destruction of data

Cookies are small text files, which are deposited in your computer, if you visit certain websites. This website, including its sub-domains, uses cookies; the consent of the user is always requested, where this is expressly required by law or other applicable provisions. The use of cookies facilitates navigation on the website and allows the information transmitted to the user to be personalised. In addition, systems are used for security and statistical purposes to collect information on the user, such as his IP address, the browser and operating system used and/or the websites visited by a user. Cookies will not damage your computer, tablet or Smartphone.
The cookies generated by www.greif.it contain no personal data, which could be used to identify the user; they contain only encrypted data.

Specific use of personal data
In the following you will find specific notes on how specified sections of this website function:
  • Contact Request section
    The Contact Request section on this website offers the opportunity to make enquires about rooms, availability, offers, participation in events and courses. If you decide to send us your personal data, these data shall be processed exclusively for the purposes referred to above by persons specifically authorised so to do and in accordance with the routine in-house management procedures.
  • Enquiry/Online booking area
    The Enquiry/Online booking area on this website offers the opportunity to obtain information on offers and availability of stays and holidays and to book or purchase holidays/stays or other services from us (e.g. wellness). If you decide to send us your personal data, these data shall be processed exclusively for the purposes referred to above by persons specifically authorised so to do and in accordance with the routine in-house management procedures.
  • Section Newsletter
    If the visitor to our website would like to receive our newsletter, he must enter his personal data in the appropriate form in the Register for Newsletter section. The data collected serve for the despatch of the newsletter within the meaning of the declaration in the footnote to the form.
  • Jobs section
    The Jobs section on this website offers the opportunity to express interest in employment in our company and/or to respond to a job advertisement for vacant or newly-created posts. If you decide to send us your personal data, these data shall be processed exclusively for the purposes referred to above by persons specifically authorised so to do and in accordance with the routine in-house management procedures.

Under-age visitors (16 years)
The Hotel Greif website, which is regulated by the foregoing data protection provisions, is not intended for the use of minors. We are aware of the necessity for protecting data, which concern minors, in particular in the online environment. Therefore we do not collect and store, except inadvertently, any data from under-age visitors.

Toujours proche de vous

Tenez-vous au courant de ce qui se passe chez nous jusqu’à ce que vous reveniez. Vous avez le choix entre nos deux Newsletter. Ou bien abonnez-vous aux deux ?
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Arrivez à

bon port !

Notre hôtel est situé dans une zone à faible circulation au centre-ville de Bolzano. Voici la meilleure façon de nous trouver.
bon port !
Planifier l’itinéraire
Hotel Greif
BozenSüdtirol, Italie
Walther Platz
+39 0471 318 000+39 0471 318 148
TVA IT00299540211
Horaires d’ouverture
Lundi - Vendredi 7h00 – 10h30
Samedi – Dimanche 7h30 – 11h00

Bar à cocktails Grifoncino & Roof Garden
17h00- 24h00
Fermeture le dimanche et lundi

24h sur 24, Check-in à 15 heures, Check-out à midi

Restaurant Laurin
Lundi – Samedi : 12h00 – 14h30, 19h00-22h30
De mai à septembre + les dimanches de décembre : 19h00 – 22h30
D’octobre à avril : fermeture le dimanche
En voiture
En provenance du nord : Munich – Rosenheim – Kufstein (Autoroute Inntal A12 à péage) – Innsbruck (Autoroute du Brenner A13 à péage) – Brenner (Autoroute du Brenner A22 à péage) – Sortie Bolzano Nord
En provenance du sud : Autoroute du Brenner A22 (à péage) Modène – Vérone – Trente – Sortie Bolzano Sud.

GPS Long. 11.340000 Lat. 46.480000

A partir de chacune des deux sorties d‘autoroute vous atteindrez l’hôtel en 10 minutes environ.
Continuez jusqu’à la gare ferroviaire, au rond-point tournez à droite et prenez la Bahnhofsallee. Utilisez cette adresse dans votre système de navigation afin d’éviter la zone à circulation réduite (VBZ). Au bout de la rue se trouve le parking souterrain public P3 Walther Platz.
Du 1er étage vous pourrez rejoindre directement l’hôtel par ascenseur. Le tarif journalier de parking (24 heures) est de 21,00 €. Il n’y a pas de places de parking réservées pour l’hôtel.

Pour charger et décharger vos bagages, vous pouvez vous rendre à l’entrée de l’hôtel, dans la Raingasse. L’hôtel étant situé dans le centre-ville, zone à circulation réduite, il vous faudra nous communiquer le numéro d’immatriculation de votre véhicule.

A22 Brennerautobahn numéro gratuit (seulement à partir de l’Italie) - 800 279 940
A partir de l’Allemagne, l’Autriche, les Pays-Bas - 00 800 220 220 22

Etat du trafic Informations sur le trafic au Tyrol du Sud
Tel. + 39 0471 200 198

Are you travelling by car over the Brenner Pass?
Lueg Bridge (Luegbrücke) and traffic routing on the Brenner motorway

After more than 55 years of service, the Lueg Bridge along the A13, the Brenner motorway, had reached the end of its useful life. In order to relieve the structural load on the existing bridge, a single lane of traffic in both directions will be necessary on the Lueg Bridge from 1 January 2025 for reasons of traffic safety. To reduce long delays and traffic jams on days with increased traffic volumes, a temporary dual carriageway will be set up with special traffic routing.

To ensure that the bridge can be driven on two lanes on busy days, it is necessary for heavy vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes to drive on the inside of the bridge. This relieves the load on the supporting structure. A scientific test operation has shown that this innovative dual carriageway works. All vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes have to switch to the left-hand and therefore inner lane. Cars can use both lanes as before.

Comprehensive real-time information can be found on the ASFINAG landingpage
Real time travel time information
En train
Liaisons internationales à la gare de Bolzano qui se trouve à 5 minutes à pied de l’hôtel.
Via Munich - Innsbruck – Brenner – Bolzano
Via Zurich - Innsbruck – Brenner - Bolzano
Via Vienne – Innsbruck -Brenner - Bolzano
Via Linz – Salzbourg – Innsbruck – Brenner - Bolzano

Deutsche Bahn 
Österreichische Bundesbahnen 
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen 
Plateforme pour les voyages en train et en bus "Trainline"
Par avion
Aéroports environnants :

Bolzano (Italie) - 5 km
Skyalps offre des vols directes de Bolzano à: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Roma, Parma et la Sardaigne. Ibiza avec stop à Parma.

Innsbruck (Autriche) - 120 km
Munich  (Allemagne) - 320 km
Vérone/V. Catullo  - 150 km
Trévise  - 280 km
Venise/M. Polo  - 275 km
Bergame/Orio al Serio  - 255 km
Milan  - 284 km

Service de navette de/vers les aéroports :
Südtirol Bus  vous emmène rapidement et confortablement des aéroports de Munich, Vérone, Bergame et Milan Malpensa à Bolzano.
En bus
Plus de 10 000 liaisons vers plus de 300 destinations dans 15 pays : le prestataire européen de bus longue distance Flixbus relie quotidiennement les grandes et moyennes villes via un vaste réseau de lignes. Voyagez dans un souci de développement durable, confortablement et en même temps pour un prix imbattable – « voyagez écologique » !
Même gestion
Au dessus